In a nutshell, all gluten/grains/starches are illegal, including potatoes and corn. Dairy is also illegal, with the exception of some hard cheeses.
This is THE official list from the Breaking the Vicious Cycle website.
Acorn Squash --------------- Legal
Agar-Agar --------------------Illegal
Agave Syrup -----------------Illegal
Algae --------------------------Illegal
Allspice------------------------Legal (the spice)
Almond Butter ---------------Legal (if no sugar added)
Almond Milk------------------Legal (may be tried after 6 months on the SCD)
Almond Oil--------------------Legal
Almonds-----------------------Legal (not from a mix)
Aloe Vera---------------------Illegal
Amaranth Flour--------------Illegal
Apple Cider-------------------Legal (Dilute with Water)
Brussels Sprouts Legal
Buckwheat Illegal
Bulgur Illegal
Burdock Root Illegal
Butter Legal
Butter Beans Illegal
Buttermilk Illegal
Butternut Squash Legal
Cabbage Legal
Camembert Cheese Legal (occasionally)
Canellini Beans Illegal
Canned Fish Legal (in oil or water ONLY)
Canned Fruits Illegal (in JUICE only allowed
Canned Vegetables Illegal (only fresh or frozen)
Canola Oil Legal
Cantaloupe Legal
Capers Legal
Carob Illegal
Carrageenan Illegal
Carrots Legal
Cashews Legal (not from mix)
Cauliflower Legal
Celeriac/Celery Root Legal
Celery Legal
Cellulose(in supplements) Legal
Cellulose Gum Illegal
Cereals Illegal
Chard Legal
Cheddar Cheese Legal
Cheese Legal (NOT processed. W/ bacterial culture, aged >30 days)
Cherimoya Legal
Cherries Legal
Chestnut Flour Illegal
Chestnuts Legal (when Symptom Free)
Chevre Illegal
Chewing Gum Illegal
Chick Peas Illegal
Chickory Root Illegal
Chlorella Illegal
Chocolate Illegal
Cilantro Legal
Cinnamon Legal
Citric Acid Legal
Club Soda Legal
Cocoa Powder Illegal
Coconut Legal (fresh or unsweetened)
Coconut Milk Legal (after 6 months)
Coconut Oil Legal
Coffee Legal (made very weak. Instant not allowed)
Coffee (instant) Illegal
Colby Cheese Legal (freely)
Collard Greens Legal
Cordials Illegal
Corn Illegal
Corn Oil Legal
Corn Syrup Illegal
Cornstarch Illegal
Cottage Cheese Illegal
Courgette Legal
Cranberry Juice Legal (no added sugar…dilute w/ water)
Cream Illegal
Cream Cheese Illegal
Cream of Tartar Illegal
Croscomellose Sodium Illegal
Cucumbers Legal
Custard Apple Legal
Cyclamate Legal
Date Sugar Illegal (maybe tried after symptom free)
Dates Legal (medjool & California. Nothing else added)
Decaffeinated Products Illegal
Dextrose Illegal
Dried Milk Solids Illegal
Drumsticks Illegal (no okra)
Dry Curd Cottage Cheese Legal
Durum Flour Illegal
Echinacea Legal
Edam Cheese Legal (occasionally)
Eggplant Legal
Eggs Legal
EMPower Illegal
Ethanol Legal
Evaporated Cane Juice Illegal (Fancy name for sugar)
Ezekiel Bread Illegal (Sprouted Grain Breads are Illegal)
Faba Beans Illegal
Fenugreek Illegal
Feta Cheese Illegal (may be used after 6 months in small amnts)
Figs Legal (Only w/ nothing added)
Filberts (Hazelnuts) Legal (not from mixes)
Fish Legal (Fresh and frozen)
Flax Seed Illegal
Flax Seed Oil Legal
Flour Illegal
FOS Illegal
Fowl Legal
Frozen Orange Juice (Concentrated) Illegal
Fructose (Granulated) Illegal
Fruits (Canned) Legal (ONLY in their own juice)
Garbanzo Beans Illegal
Garfava Flour Illegal
Garlic Legal
Gelatin (unflavored) Legal
Ghee Legal
Gin Legal (occasionally)
Ginger Legal
Gjetost Cheese Illegal
Glucose Candy Illegal
Glycerin Legal
Glycerol Legal
Goatein Illegal
Gorgonzola Cheese Legal (occasionally)
Gouda Cheese Legal (occasionally)
Granulated Glucose Illegal
Grape Juice Legal (no sugar added, dilute with water)
Grapefruit Legal
Grapefuit Juice Illegal (only fresh pressed is allowed)
Grapes Legal
Grapeseed Oil Legal
Green Tea Legal (2 cups/day max)
Gruyere Cheese Legal
Guar Gum Illegal
Gums Illegal
Ham Legal (only if cured with salt)
Haricot Beans Legal (dried & prepared per book instructions)
Havarti Cheese Legal, freely
Hazelnuts (Filberts) Legal (not from mix)
Hemp Seed/protein pwdr Illegal
HN-Zyme Legal
Homemade Yogurt Legal – only SCD recipe
Honey Legal
Horseradish Sauce Legal – if homemade
Hot Dogs Illegal
Hydrolyzed Protein Illegal
Ice Cream Illegal
Inositol Illegal (sugar alcohol)
Inulin Illegal
Iron Supplements Illegal
Isoglucose Illegal
Jaggery (gur) Illegal
Jalapenos Legal
Jicama Illegal
Juice from Concentrate Illegal
Kale Legal
Kefir Illegal
Ketchup Illegal
Kidney Beans Legal (dried & cooked per book instructions when symptom free)
Kimchi Legal
Kiwi Fruit Legal
Kohlrabi Illegal
Kudzu Illegal
Kumquats Legal
KyoGreen Powder Illegal
L-Theanine Legal
Lactaid Milk Illegal
Lactose Hydrolyzed Milk Illegal
Lamb Legal
Lecithin Legal
Leek Legal
Lemons Legal
Lentil Legal (dried & cooked per book instructions when symptom free)
Lettuce Legal
Leucine Legal
Licorice Illegal
Lignin Illegal
Lima Beans Legal (dried & cooked per book instructions when symptom free)
Limburger Cheese Legal (occasionally)
Limes Legal
Liqueurs Illegal
Liquid Clorychlorophyll Illegal
Macadamia Nuts Legal
Macadamia Oil Legal
Magnesium Citrate Legal
Magnesium Stearate Legal
Maltitol Illegal
Maltodextrin Illegal
Manchego Cheese Legal
Mangoes Legal
Mannitol Illegal
Maple Syrup Illegal
Margarine Illegal
Marshmallow Illegal
Mastic Gum Illegal
Mead Illegal
Meats Legal (fresh and frozen with nothing added)
Meats (canned) Illegal
Meats (processed) Illegal
Melatonin Illegal
Melon Legal
Milk Illegal
Millet Illegal
Miso Illegal
Molasses Illegal
Molo-cure Illegal
Monterey Jack Cheese Legal (occasionally)
Mozzarella Cheese Illegal
MSG Illegal
Mucilaginous Herbs Illegal
Mucilaginous Polysaccharides Illegal
Muenster Cheese Legal (occasionally)
Mungbeans Illegal
Mushrooms Legal
Mustard (plain) Legal (if no illegal ingredients…read label)
Natural Cheeses Legal
Natural Flavors Illegal
Navy Beans Legal (dried & cooked per book instructions when symptom free)
Nectarines Legal
Nettles Illegal
Neufchatel Cheese Illegal
Noni Juice Illegal
Nutmeg Legal
Oats Illegal
Okra Illegal
Olive Oil Legal
Olives Legal (check label)
Onions Legal
Orange Juice Legal (fresh, no sugar added)
Oranges Legal
Oregano Legal
Papayas Legal
Pappadum Illegal
Paprika Legal
Parmesan Cheese Legal (occasionally)
Parsley Legal
Parsnips Illegal
Passion Fruit Legal
Pasta Illegal
Pau ‘Arco Illegal
Pea Four Illegal
Peaches Legal
Peanut Butter Legal
Peanut Oil Legal
Peanuts Legal (in shell, shelled are illegal.)
Pears Legal
Peas Legal
Pecans Legal (not from mix)
Pectin Illegal
Peppermint tea Legal
Peppers Legal
Peptizyde Legal
Persimmons Legal
Phosphatidylcholine Legal
Pickles (Dill) Legal (check label)
Pine Nuts Legal
Pineapple Legal
Pineapple Juice Illegal (fresh only)
Pinto Beans Illegal
Pistachio Nuts Legal
Plantains Illegal
Plums Legal
Polysorbate 80 Illegal
Pomegranate Concentrate Illegal
Pork Legal
Pork Rinds Legal (nothing added)
Port du Salut Cheese Legal (occasionally)
Port wine Illegal
Postum Illegal
Potassium Sorbate Legal
Potatoes Illegal
Poultry Legal
Primal Defense Illegal
Primost Cheese Illegal
Processed Cheeses Illegal
Protein Powder Illegal
Provolone Cheese Legal
Prunes Legal
Psyllium Husks Illegal
Pumpkin Legal (fresh…canned is illegal)
Pumpkin (Canned) Illegal
Quinoa Illegal
Quorn Illegal
Raisins Legal
Rhubarb Legal
Rice Illegal
Rice Bran Illegal
Rice Flour Illegal
Ricotta Cheese Illegal
Romano Cheese Legal (occasionally)
Roquefort Cheese Legal (occasionally)
Rosemary Legal
Rutabaga Legal
Rye Illegal
Saccharine Legal
Safflower Oil Legal
Sage Legal
Sago Starch Illegal
Sake Illegal
Salt Legal
Sashimi Legal
Saurkerkraut Legal
Seaweed Illegal
Seed Butters Illegal
Seed Flour Illegal
Seeds Legal
Sesame Oil Legal
Sesame Seeds Illegal
Sharifa Legal
Shellfish Legal
Sherry Illegal
Silica Legal
Silicon Dioxide Legal
Slippery Elm Illegal
Smoked Meats Illegal
Sodium Benzoate Legal
Sodium Starch Glycinate Illegal
Sorbitol Illegal
Sour Cream Illegal
Soy Illegal
Soy Lecithin Legal
Soy Sauce Illegal
Soybean Milk Illegal
Soybean Oil Illegal
Soybeans Illegal
Spearmint Tea Legal
Spelt Illegal
Spices Legal
Spinach Legal
Spirulina Illegal
Splenda Illegal
Split Peas Legal (dried & cooked per package directions once symptom free)
Sprouted Grain Bread Illegal
Squash Legal
Stevia Illegal
Stilton Cheese Legal (occasionally)
String Beans (Green beans) Legal
Sucralose Illegal
Sulphates Legal
Sunflower Oil Legal
Swede Legal
Sweet Potatoes Illegal
Swiss Cheese Legal (freely)
Tabasco Sauce Illegal
Tagatose Illegal
Tamari Illegal
Tamarind Illegal
Tangerines Legal
Tapioca Illegal
Tapioca Flour Illegal
Taro Illegal
Tarragon Legal
Tea Legal
Thyme Legal
Tofu Illegal
Tofutti cheese Illegal
Tomato Legal (canned tomatoes are illegal)
Tomato Juice (canned) Legal (only have salt added
Tomato Paste (Canned) Illegal
Tomato Puree (Canned) Illegal
Tomato Sauce (Canned) Illegal
Triticale Illegal
Turbinado Illegal
Turnips Illegal
V8 Juice Illegal
Vanillin Legal
Vegetable Stearate Legal
Vegetables (Canned) Illegal
Vinegar Legal
Vodka Legal (Occasionally)
Walnut Oil Legal
Walnuts Legal (not from mix)
Wasabi Legal (in natural state)
Water Chestnuts Illegal
Watercress Legal
Watermelon Legal
Wheat Illegal
Wheat Germ Illegal
Whisky Legal (Occasionally)
Wine Legal (very dry wine is legal)
Xanthum Gum Illegal
Xylitol Illegal
Yams Illegal
Yoghurt (commercial) Illegal
Toghurt (homemade) Legal
Yucca Root Illegal
Zucchini Legal
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